
Why choose Cosmetic dentistry?

A smile is an important aspect of individual’s confidence and overall health; this is something that the Tooth Crew Clinic fully understands. When it comes to cosmetic dentistry, our experienced and highly motivated dental practitioners are committed to offering you nothing less than first-rate services. That way your smile will become the one you would love sharing with others. As a cosmetic dentistry center, we use modern techniques to address different aesthetic issues.


Cosmetic dentistry embraces several types of dental procedures that are aimed at improving one’s smile or the oral cavity appearance in general specifically:

Discolored teeth: Teeth lose their natural color due to various factors including age and consumption coffee, tea, cigarettes among others. 

Chipped or cracked teeth: Accidental damages may result into chipping, cracking or even fractures on teeth thereby affecting their functionality and causing discomfort sometimes. 

Unevenly spaced or misaligned teeth: The beauty of your smile can be compromised by uneven spacing between teeth resulting from excessive crowding or malocclusion of them. 

Worn-down teeth: This might happen when there is bruxism or other reasons leading to wearing away of tooth surface making them look ugly as well as ineffectively carry out mastication process. 

Missing teeth: Gaps caused by missing teeth can affect aesthetics and speech.

Tooth Crew Clinic’s Cosmetic Dentistry Procedures:

What are Veneers? 

Veneers are thin shells made out of porcelain or composite material that can be shaped to fit over a person’s teeth. They provide an alternative for people who want to make slight position alterations, or to change the shape of their teeth. 

Know Your Veneer Choices: 

The Choice between Porcelain vs Composite Veneers 

Porcelain Veneers: these types of veneers are made from high-quality porcelain, hence they are durable with good resistance to staining and greater longevity when compared with any other cosmetic dental treatment available.

Composite Veneers: These are applied directly to the teeth in a single appointment, making them a less invasive and more affordable option than porcelain veneers. However, they may not be as durable and require touch-ups over time.

Finding the Perfect Fit: Consultation and Treatment:

Tooth Crew Clinic focuses on understanding your unique smile goals and concerns. Upon consultation, we will:

  1. Perform a thorough dental examination.
  2. Talk about what you hope to achieve and answer any questions you may have.
  3. Suggest the right veneer for you depending on your specific requirements and taste.

After consultations, the process of getting veneers basically involves:

Preparation: One may need to take out little or some enamel from your teeth to create room for the veneer.

Impression Taking: Detailed molds of your teeth are used to ensure that the fitting is customized.

Veneer Placement: When these custom-made porcelain shells are ready, they are bonded onto prepared tooth surfaces in a very tight manner.

Unveiling the Benefits of Veneers at Tooth Crew Clinic:

There are several reasons why Tooth Crew Clinic should be considered when it comes to receiving veneer treatment.

 Experienced and Skilled Dentists: Our team is highly skilled in cosmetic dentistry employing modern techniques as well as materials resulting into outstanding outcomes.

Personalized Treatment Plans: We develop personalized treatment plans that meet individual needs as well as objectives thereby ensuring success.

Advanced Technology: We utilize state-of-the-art equipment and technology for precise, efficient, and comfortable treatment experiences.

Focus on Patient Comfort: We prioritize your comfort throughout the entire process, offering sedation options and a relaxing environment.

Transparent Communication: We believe in clear and open communication, keeping you informed and involved at every step of the process.

Frequently Asked Questions:

How much do veneers cost? Veneers cost varies depending on the specific procedure chosen, the complexity of the case, and the materials used. We offer transparent pricing and flexible payment options to help you achieve your desired smile.

Do veneers damage your teeth? While some enamel needs to be removed for porcelain veneers, the process is minimally invasive. Our skilled dentists ensure minimal tooth structure removal while maximizing veneer strength and aesthetics.

How long do veneers last? With proper care, porcelain veneers can last for 10-15 years, while composite veneers may need replacement every 5-7 years.

Ready to Transform Your Smile?:

If you’re considering veneers and seeking a qualified dentist, look no further than Tooth Crew Clinic. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and embark on your journey to a confident and elated smile!

Dental Bonding: 

A Wonderful Way of Taking Care of Small Flaws.
In order to restore teeth that have been broken or chipped, dental bonding is done in cosmetic dentistry as a minimal invasive treatment, using tooth-colored composite resin. The dentist will take the resin and then sculpt it in place in the tooth and match it against the sizes, colors and shapes of those surrounding your teeth. The final result should be an invisible restoration that can easily integrate with your beautiful smile.

Advantages of Dental Bonding for Chipped Teeth:

• Swift and Painless Treatment: In most cases, dental bonding is carried out within a single appointment thereby making it a suitable option for those people who are always very busy.

• Minimum Tooth Removal: Unlike crowns or other procedures where healthy parts of teeth have to be cut off, bonding requires only slight removal or no at all hence providing a more conservative approach.

• Cheap Solution: When compared to other ways of doing cosmetic dentistry, generally dental bonding costs less expensive thus fixing chipped teeth.

• Natural Appearance After Procedure: To achieve invisible repair work on your damaged teeth, there is need for matching composite resins with natural shade of your natural ones.

• Strength and Durability: Although not as strong as crowns, proper care ensures that they last for some years.

Who is a Candidate for Dental Bonding?

Dental bonding is a versatile procedure that can address various concerns beyond just chipped teeth. You may be a good candidate for bonding if you have:

  • Chipped or cracked teeth: This is the most common use for dental bonding, and it can effectively repair minor to moderate chips and cracks.
  • Gaps between teeth: Bonding can close small gaps between teeth, improving the aesthetics of your smile.
  • Discolored teeth: In some cases, bonding can be used to mask mild to moderate tooth discoloration.
  • Worn-down teeth: Bonding can be used to reshape and restore the appearance of worn-down teeth.

The Dental Bonding Procedure at Tooth Crew Clinic:

At Tooth Crew Clinic, we understand the importance of a confident smile. Our experienced and skilled dentists follow a meticulous process for dental bonding:

  1. Consultation: During your initial consultation, our dentist will thoroughly examine your teeth, discuss your concerns and desired outcomes, and determine if dental bonding is the right solution for you.
  2. Shade Selection: The dentist will carefully choose a shade of composite resin that perfectly matches the color of your surrounding teeth.
  3. Tooth Preparation: The tooth surface may be lightly etched to create a better bonding surface for the composite resin.
  4. Resin Application: The dentist will skillfully apply the composite resin to the chipped area, sculpting it to the desired shape and size.
  5. Hardening and Polishing: A special light is used to harden the resin, followed by polishing to achieve a smooth and natural-looking finish.

Caring for Your Bonded Teeth:

With proper care, your bonded tooth can last for several years. Here are some tips for maintaining your dental bonding:

  • Practice good oral hygiene: Brush your teeth twice daily and floss once daily to remove plaque and prevent gum disease.
  • Avoid staining foods and drinks: Limit consumption of foods and beverages that can stain the resin, such as coffee, tea, red wine, and curry.
  • Don’t use your teeth for tools: Avoid using your bonded teeth to open packages, chew on hard objects, or bite your nails, as this can damage the bonding material.
  • Schedule regular dental checkups and cleanings: Visit your dentist for regular checkups and cleanings to ensure the health of your teeth and gums, and to monitor the condition of your dental bonding.

Restore Your Confidence with Tooth Crew Clinic:

If you have a chipped tooth and are considering dental bonding, look no further than Tooth Crew Clinic. We offer a comfortable and welcoming environment, personalized treatment plans, and a commitment to achieving the best possible results for our patients. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and discuss how dental bonding can help you achieve a confident and beautiful smile.

3. Tooth Whitening:

Professional teeth whitening is a safe and effective way to remove deep-seated stains and brighten your smile. We offer various whitening options, including in-office whitening for rapid results and convenient take-home whitening kits for gradual improvement in the comfort of your own home.

4. Composite Buildups: Restoring Form and Function

Composite buildups are a restorative and cosmetic procedure that utilizes tooth-colored composite resin to reshape, rebuild, and strengthen teeth. This versatile treatment offers a minimally invasive and natural-looking solution for various concerns.

Benefits of Composite Buildups:
  • Improved Aesthetics: Composite buildups can address a range of aesthetic concerns, including: 
    • Chipped or cracked teeth
    • Worn-down teeth
    • Unevenly shaped teeth
    • Minor gaps between teeth
    • Discoloration
  • Functional Restoration: In addition to improving aesthetics, composite buildups can also restore the functionality of teeth, allowing you to chew comfortably and efficiently.
  • Natural Appearance: The composite resin can be matched to the shade of your surrounding teeth, creating a seamless and natural-looking result.

The Composite Buildup Procedure:

  1. Consultation: During a consultation, your dentist will assess your needs and determine if composite buildups are the right treatment option for you.
  2. Tooth Preparation: The tooth surface may be lightly etched to improve the bonding of the composite resin.
  3. Resin Application: The composite resin is applied to the tooth in layers and sculpted to the desired shape and size.
  4. Hardening and Polishing: Each layer of resin is hardened using a special light. Once complete, the buildup is polished to create a smooth and natural finish.

Caring for Your Composite Buildups:

  • Maintain good oral hygiene: Regular brushing and flossing are crucial to maintain the health of your teeth and prevent staining of the composite material.
  • Minimize staining foods and drinks: Limit consumption of heavily pigmented foods and beverages that can stain the resin over time.
  • Avoid using your teeth for tools: Refrain from using your composite buildups to open packages, chew on hard objects, or bite your nails, as this can damage the material.

Choosing Between Veneers, Dental Bonding, and Composite Buildups:

The choice between these three cosmetic dentistry procedures depends on the specific needs and goals of each individual. Here’s a brief comparison to help you understand which option might be best for you:

  • Veneers: Ideal for addressing a wider range of aesthetic concerns, including severe discoloration, misshapen teeth, and gaps. They offer exceptional durability and a natural-looking finish.
  • Dental Bonding: A more affordable and quicker option for addressing minor cosmetic issues like chipped teeth, small gaps, and slight discoloration.
  • Composite Buildups: Effective for restoring the shape and function of teeth while improving aesthetics. They can address chipped teeth, worn-down teeth, minor gaps, and discoloration.

5. Additional Cosmetic Dentistry Services:

Beyond the core procedures mentioned above, Tooth Crew Clinic also offers a range of advanced cosmetic dentistry services:

  • Cosmetic dental implants: Replace missing teeth with natural-looking and functionally sound dental implants to restore both aesthetics and chewing function.
  • Smile makeovers: Our team can design a comprehensive treatment plan tailored to your individual needs and goals, combining various cosmetic procedures to achieve a complete smile transformation.
  • Digital smile design: Utilize cutting-edge technology to visualize your desired smile outcome before undergoing any treatment.

Why Choose Tooth Crew Clinic for Your Cosmetic Dentistry Needs?

  • Experienced and Skilled Dentists: Our team possesses extensive experience and expertise in cosmetic dentistry, utilizing advanced techniques and materials to deliver exceptional results.
  • Personalized Treatment Plans: We take the time to understand your individual needs, desires, and concerns to create a personalized treatment plan tailored specifically for you.
  • Advanced Technology: We utilize state-of-the-art equipment and technology to ensure precise, efficient, and comfortable treatment experiences.
  • Focus on Patient Comfort: We prioritize your comfort throughout your entire treatment journey, offering sedation options and a relaxing environment.
  • Transparent Communication: We believe in clear and open communication, keeping you informed and involved in every step of the process.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about Cosmetic Dentistry:

  • How much does cosmetic dentistry cost? The cost of cosmetic dentistry varies depending on the specific procedure chosen, the complexity of the case, and the materials used. We offer transparent pricing and flexible payment options to help you achieve your desired smile.
  • Do veneers damage your teeth? While some enamel needs to be removed for porcelain veneers, the process is minimally invasive. Our skilled dentists ensure minimal tooth structure removal while maximizing the strength and aesthetics of the veneers.
  • How long do veneers last? With proper care, porcelain veneers can last for 10-15 years, while composite veneers may need to be replaced every 5-7 years.
  • What is the difference between dental bonding and veneers?

Choosing the Right Cosmetic Dentistry Procedure:

The choice between veneers, dental bonding, or other cosmetic dentistry options depends on your specific needs and goals. During a consultation at Tooth Crew Clinic, our experienced dentists will thoroughly examine your teeth, discuss your concerns and desired outcomes, and recommend the most suitable treatment plan for you.

Taking the First Step Towards Your Dream Smile:

At Tooth Crew Clinic, we are passionate about helping you achieve a smile that reflects your confidence and personality. If you’re considering cosmetic dentistry procedures, we encourage you to schedule a consultation with one of our skilled dentists. During the consultation, we will discuss your options, answer any questions you may have, and create a personalized treatment plan designed to transform your smile and boost your confidence.

Contact us today to schedule your consultation and embark on your journey to a healthier and happier smile!